Natural. Misunderstood. Legal. This is the story of hemp in the United States. A forbidden fiber in the U.S. since 1970, hemp has taken the heat for almost five decades. Until the Farm Bill passed in December of 2018, hemp was federally illegal to grow for commercial purposes, making it risky for businesses to invest in a new crop that was incorrectly classified as a drug.
상품 3개
Organic Hemp Clothing
Airy, cool-wearing comfort—that’s the stuff. Keep comfortable in any weather with lightweight hemp fabric. Our hemp clothing is crafted with soft, breathable material blends that hold up to everyday wear. Explore a variety of organic hemp clothing.These garments work hard, and they’re built to last.
Functional Garments that Endure
It’s no secret—we’re big fans of hemp clothing. Not only is organic hemp durable, but it can also be cultivated with minimal environmental impact, requiring less fertilizer and water than other crops. Learn more about hemp fabric, including its environmental footprint and farming history in the clothing industry.
Learn about the materials we use, from recycled cashmere and wool to organic cotton. Our lightweight performance material blends containing hemp are soft, comfortable and breathable for all-season wear, with tough construction for long-lasting garments. Find hemp clothing that’ll serve you well for years to come.
파타고니아 벤드
우리는 2003년 5월에 오픈한 현지 소유의 Patagonia 파트너 매장입니다. 오랫동안 Bend 지역 주민들 중 일부는 처음 몇 년 동안 이 매장이 Pandora's Backpack으로 명명되었다는 것을 기억할 것입니다. 2006년에는 국내 최초의 독립 파타고니아 매장 중 하나로 변신했습니다.
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